pátek 27. dubna 2018



Join the discussion on GitHub and help us make it better! If you find this software useful, want to say thanks and encourage development, please consider a donation (more about donations). Note for Linux users: you need to install the freeglut. Once you have acquired a model, drag it onto the Plater.


The point regarding the extruder step rate is vital. It cuts the model into horizontal slices (layers), generates toolpaths to fill them and. But it does much more than that, see the features list below.

Nightly builds for windows, Linux and macos are available through the git actions page. For those who don’t know, a 3D printing slicer prepares the selected model for your 3D printer, generating G-code, which is a widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. There is a large number of slicing software out there, many of which are free. Should result in fewer needed retractions.


Support can now be restricted to only areas that touch the build plate. Support material generation now allows for of perimeter width for overhang. We compare the top two open source slicers, focusing on their best features.

Find out which is best for you. Now would be the time to fire up the printer and try it out. A variety of host software is available to send the G-code to the printer.


Amongst the open-source solutions are: Printrun Repetier and Repsnapper 3. There are two main techniques for cooling : adding a fan and slowing down the print speed. Raspberry Pi but it should work for other Linux distributions). Care has to be taken that the nozzle and extruder does not interfere with already printed parts. A gcode file is basically just a bunch of X, Y and Z coordinates that tell the printer constantly where to move the extruder to next. Split the original design into the separate parts within the CAD program, and export each part as STL.

Right-click on the part and select Settings. Select Load Part and select one of the STL files. These all begin with SLIC3R _, for example SLIC3R _LAYER_HEIGHT. Undulations in the walls of a print may be due to wobble in the Z axis. Sometimes it is nice to have a helping hand when starting out with new software.

You rarely need to change these option after the initial setup of a new printer. Up to 4x faster slicing thanks to parallelization. Slic3r PE upgraded to 1. I spent much time on development: it was more or less a part-time job for me. I’m a freelance developer, and reserving time for such a project has costs for me.

As the baseline standard for 3D print slicing software, it has certainly come a long way and we have much to say about its features and options for beginners and experts. Slight ooze within the walls of a part are not seen and can usually be accepted. One reason for modifying the extrusion width has already been discussed: increasing first layer extrusion width in order to improve bed adhesion (see p.). There are some further cases where it may be beneficial to modify extrusion widths.

Perimeter - A lower value will produce thinner extrusions which in turn will produce more accurate surfaces.

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