This Whirlpool built in Oven features: advanced electric technology allowing you to cook dishes saving energy. Halogen lamp allowing a more energy-efficient performance. Exclusive 6th SENSE technology, that allows you to pick among a variety of pre-programmed recipes, and your oven will automatically adjust cooking, temperature and time settings, to ensure perfect.

With a Soft Close Door prevents cold rushes of air from entering the cavity and altering cooking temperature, whilst the Telescopic. Фурната има фабричен проблем и от нея излиза пара от сервиза отстраниха проблема на. Характеристики вбудованої духої шафи Whirlpool : технології, які дозволять заощаджувати електроенергію.
Energetická třída Označení třídy energetické účinnosti, t. Samostatná horkovzdušná trouba se 6. Skutečně si užijete moderní přípravu jídla, budete-li ji připravovat s využitím technologie 6. Stačí jen vybrat jednu z přednastavených kategorií, zadat váhu a trouba už udělá vše ostatní. Ujjlenyomatmentes inox készülék. A Whirlpool készülékein alkalmazott rozsdament. Free Shipping Available. Looking For Great Deals?

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Featuring an electronic programmer with digital display and touch control buttons, multi-level cooking and pastry function which ensures the best when baking. Sense technology offers pre-set frequently cooked recipes developed in collaboration with chefs. Exclusive 6º SENSE technology, that allows you to pick among a variety of pre-programmed recipes, and your oven will automatically adjust cooking, temperature and time settings, to ensure perfect.
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Integrating Whirlpool ’s 6TH SENSE Technology, Absolute takes the effort out of preparing beautiful dishes by dynamically adapting cooking time and temperature for exceptionally tasty, even. Compare the cheapest UK prices. Baking Tray Burner Cap Burner Head Button Ceramic-Hotplate Door. The telescopic shelf offers a smart and safe way to access your food when cooking. Smooth sliding shelves offer a stable platform to add and remove dishes which can support heavy dishes when fully extended.
Ponúka základné funkcie: teplovzdušné pečenie, statické pečenie, ventilátor, gril a ich kombinácie a špeciálne funkcie: kysnutie cesta, udržiavanie tepla, rýchly predohrev. Fel kell szerelni a háztartásodat a WHIRLPOOL modern készülékével. JavaScript pare a fi dezactivat in browser-ul dumneavoastra. We will not be beaten on price.
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