It can also be used on Titanium, Nickel and their alloys. This product settles on the shelf and must be mixed well before use to ensure that the liquid and paste combine. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. Antox E Plus Version: 3. The reaction time should be observed.
ANTOX E PLUS Version: 1. Pickling paste is only used for the removal of weld burn on stainless steel. Our innovative and strong chemical processes create a scale-free surface while at the same time improving the chemical resistance of your stainless steel substrates. Keep up-to-date via e -mail! The product label contains instructions to be adhered to.
Persons must wear protective clothing, gloves, and a face shield. Low nitric acid and low nitrate content. Product appearance: green Contact. to view additional product information. Username: Password: Lost.
Pokyny, které je třeba dodržovat, jsou uvedeny na etiketě. Další informace jsou uvedeny v seznamu bezpečnostních údajů, a je možné je u nás získat. Pracovník musí být vybaven ochranným oblekem, rukavicemi a obličejovým štítem. The most widely used by fabricators due to the simple application and low cost is in the form of a paste. It has been produced as a paste so that the hazards of using this type of chemical are.