pátek 6. května 2016

Linea terminalis

It is the pelvic brim, which is the edge of the pelvic inlet. The pectineal line of the pubis is a ridge on the superior ramus of the pubic bone. The pelvic brim is the edge of the pelvic inlet.

This is the boundary between the greater pelvis and lesser pelvis as well as the plane of the pelvic inlet. The linea terminalis (innominate line) consists of the pectineal line, the arcuate line, and the sacral promontory. It is part of the pelvic brim, which is the edge of the pelvic inlet. The lamina terminalis forms the anterior wall of the third ventricle and anterior boundary of the hypothalamus. It is a thin membrane that stretches between the dorsal surface of the optic chiasm to the anterior commissure 1. The ventriculus terminalis or terminal ventricle of Krause, also known as the th ventricle, is an ependymal -lined fusiform dilatation of the terminal central canal of the spinal cor positioned at the transition from the tip of the conus medullaris to the origin of the filum terminale.

The fundus does not surpass the linea terminalis. Towards the midline the muscles form aponeuroses which merge into the linea alba. Attachments – Originates from the lower ribs and attaches to the pelvis and forms an aponeurosis in towards the midline and linea alba. The stria terminalis extends from the region of the interventricular foramina to the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle, carrying fibers from the amygdala to the septal nuclei, hypothalamic, and thalamic areas of the brain.

Linea terminalis

It also carries fibers projecting from these areas back to the amygdala. En anatomía humana, al referirse a la pelvis, se emplea el término Línea Terminal, para describir una línea imaginaria, semilunar sobre la superficie interna del ilion que divide a la pelvis en una mitad superior—la pelvis mayor o pelvis falsa—y una mitad inferior—la pelvis menor o pelvis verdadera. It can be defined as a compound structure of the sacral promontory and iliopectineal line. The terminal line of pelvis is a circul. Familiarly known as ti plant, Cordyline terminalis is a tropical stunner with large leaves ranging in color from variegated pale pinks and greens to purple or deep re depending on the species.

A kismedence tulajdonképpen a csontos medence üregét jelenti. A kettő határát a linea terminalis képezi, ami nem más, mint a medence üregének felső nyílása (apertura pelvis superior). Linea terminalis - Linea terminalis.

Linea terminalis

A linea terminalis lefutása: 1. Jo viršuje yra klubinė gaktos pakyla (eminentia iliopubica). Nuo kūno į priekį ir vidurę pusę eina gaktikaulio viršutinė šaka. Jos viršutiniame krašte yra aštri gaktikaulio skiauterė (pectem ossis pubis), kuri kartu su lankine linija sudaro ribinę liniją ( linea terminalis ). Ji skiria didįjį ir mažąjį dubenis.

Medical definition of lamina terminalis : a thin layer of gray matter in the telencephalon that extends backward from the corpus callosum above the optic chiasma and forms the median portion of the rostral wall of the third ventricle of the cerebrum. Caption= Female pelvis. Precursor = System = Artery =. The iliac fossa is a large, concave surface on the internal surface of the ilium. Part of the pelvic brim, which is the edge of the pelvic inlet.

Linea terminalis

A condition characterized by the breaking through of the endometrium into the muscle wall of the uterus. It connects the axial skeleton to the lower limbs. In this article, we shall look at the structures of the pelvis, its functions, and the applied anatomy. What oral landmark separates the base from the body of the tongue? The line of demarcation between the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa.

Secara fungsional ada dua besar bagian : a. Kresa graniczna (łac. linea terminalis ) – struktura anatomiczna ludzkiej miednicy.

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